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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Organic Moong Yellow | 500G X Pack of 3
₹345.00100 % Organic, Fast to cook and easy to digest, Beneficial to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers, Best protein… -
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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Organic Rajma – Chithra | 500G X Pack of 3
₹345.00Rich in vitamin B1, Helps control sugar level, Reduces fat and cholesterol, Easy to digest, Easy to digest, Makes tasty rajma, Zero cholesterol, Rich source… -
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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Renergee Instant Mocha Nutrimix | 240g (20g X 12 Pack)
₹360.00Nutritionally meal replacement health drink in powdered form made with raw coffee beans with a hint of chocolate, we give you Renergee Mocha flavour. 100%… -
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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Renergee Instant Shakti Choco | 240g (20g X 12 Pack)
₹360.00Nutritionally meal replacement health drink in powdered form made with raw coffee beans with a hint of chocolate, we give you Renergee Mocha flavour. 100%… -
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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Organic Brown Top | 500G X Pack of 2
₹360.00Browntop millets are commonly known as Korla, Andakorra, Thinai, etc. Browntop millet is not only nutritious but also very delicious. The millet is gluten-free and… -
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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Organic Kodo Flour | 500G X Pack of 3
₹360.00Millets Aids Weight Loss. Keeps Your Blood Sugar Levels Low. Boost Your Immunity. Reduces Cardiovascular Risks. Prevents Asthma. Helps Your Digestion. Acts as an Antioxidant. -
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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Organic Foxtail Flour | 500G X Pack of 4
₹360.00Millets Aids Weight Loss. Keeps Your Blood Sugar Levels Low. Boost Your Immunity. Reduces Cardiovascular Risks. Prevents Asthma. Helps Your Digestion. Acts as an Antioxidant. -
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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Organic Black Pepper – Whole | 100g X Pack of 2
₹370.00PREMIUM Gourmet Food Grade Spice that is 100 percent organic, non-GMO, preservative-free, vegan, and gluten-free. -
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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Organic Tamarind | 500g X Pack of 2
₹370.00Tamarind whole is 100 percent certified organic, sourced from certified organic farms across India. Cultivated without the use of any chemicals, pesticides, or insecticides. Cultivated… -
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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Organic Urad White Split | 500G X Pack of 3
₹375.00Preferred form of urad, Easy to digest, Low fat, and cholesterol, Rich in iron, Helps lower sugar levels -
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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Organic Raw Peanuts | 500G X Pack of 3
₹390.00Excellent protein source Can be roasted or boiled Can be added to any food Makes a tasty snack Recommended for kids -
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GRAMI SUPERFOODS | Organic Little Millet | 500G X Pack of 4
₹396.00Little millets are commonly known as Saame, Sama, Kutki, Saamai, etc. It is a rich source of B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium among…